
Hollow knight blue cocoons
Hollow knight blue cocoons

hollow knight blue cocoons

  • False Knight – Takes 13 hits to stagger, meteors hit into FK counts as two hits.
  • Which happens as you reach the left gate.
  • Head up to the False Knight fight, the mobs you can just jump over as they will die when the False Knight enters the arena.
  • hollow knight blue cocoons

    Again safest method in most situations is to kill them. Safest method is to kill the 3 mobs, but can be avoided as the round bugs can only charge on the ground and the tall bug only jumps, so you can jump over and under to get past.

  • Follow path above Large mob with club, past next 3 mobs.
  • Go up past the two mobs (kill said mobs if easier), then go left past 3rd mob.
  • Head left into the stag station room and unlock (Requires 50 Geo).
  • The floor gap with the two worms can be jumped over.
  • Head to the upper right, jumping over/pogo-ing the Vengefly.
  • Jump over gap, go past worms, pogo over Vengefly and continue to next room.
  • If you hit the left side of the spike it will fire it diagonal right and will kill both new Aspids when they spawn if timed correctly.
  • Aspid room: After killing the first Aspid 2 more shall appear, you can kill these normally or there is a spike that falls when you are on the upper left platform.
  • Continue down then right into Aspid room.
  • Drop down platforms on the right hand side, using the right analog/or KB&M equivalent (camera) to view below so not to drop onto mobs.
  • Go right and drop into Well, head left, get Geo rock in first drop area, use camera to view down before dropping so to avoid mob, then continue left into large open room (Gruz Room).
  • Continue left, drop down and break Geo rock.

    hollow knight blue cocoons

    Pogo over the spikes and continue until you reach a chest, open and get Fury of the Fallen Charm (We don’t use this in Damageless but we need in order to increase charm count to purchase a charm notch later from Salubra).

  • Head back to the spikes, drop down and head right, get Geo Rock.
  • Walk outside so the knight shows on screen, then go back through door (if you turn back immediately, when you quitout you will spawn at the very start, not in-front of this door).
  • After reaching the Blue cocoon (Lifebloods) continue right, drop through floor, over spikes heading upper right until you reach and break the giant door.
  • Open Room: Kill Vengefly and head to Upper-left path, be careful of spike falling on top platform although can be used to kill the 2nd Vengefly.
  • Open Room: go upper-left (Be careful of spike at the start of the upper-left path).
  • *This route requires starting the game in Steel Soul mode as we need Jinn for easier Geo collection* Splits: False Knight – Hornet – Gruz Mother – Mantis Claw – City of Tears – Dreamnail – Soul Warrior – Uumuu – Watcher Knights – The Hollow Knight

    Hollow knight blue cocoons